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  • 161. BROCHURE INGLESE (4%)

    13-mag-2013 13.40.00

    Scuola di Lingua italiana per Stranieri Università di Palermo Winter School 2013 from 4/02 to 1/03 WINTER SCHOOL 2013 COURSES music, creative writing, Sicilian art ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE And you will never be alone! The “Italian Language and Culture - and culture! And don’t miss all the teachers will help you during the Standard Course” evening entertaining activities the Our Winter ... by university lecturers and researchers. Also, the course includes a writing skills workshop and

  • 162. Curriculum: Scienze Chimiche (4%)

    21-nov-2013 16.25.04

    chemisorption of probe molecules (L. Liotta – ISMN-CNR) Carbon Nanoforms (F. Giacalone) Grant Writing ... ° Year: Photocatalysis 3° Year: Environmental Chemistry Language Skills Training on scientific writing

  • 163. Chemical Sciences (4%)

    3-mar-2014 10.36.38

    Nanoforms (F. Giacalone) Grant Writing in Chemical Sciences (A. Pace) Number of courses (Year) 3 (First ... Language Skills Training on scientific writing and reporting in English. (Course offered by the University

  • 164. Chemical Sciences Curriculum (4%)

    3-mar-2014 12.34.24

    -CNR) Carbon Nanoforms (F. Giacalone) Grant Writing in Chemical Sciences (A. Pace) Number of courses ... Chemistry Language Skills Training on scientific writing and reporting in English. (Course offered

  • 165. SUMMER 14 EN (4%)

    12-mar-2014 18.32.44

    ) speaking, reading, writing, and to focus on the use of the learning vocabulary and specialised ... , enhancing the speaking and films and territory and it will writing skills in specialised

  • 166. Summer School (4%)

    9-mag-2016 15.09.07

    , speaking, reading, writing, learning vocabulary and culture. The methods and the teaching materials ... the speaking and writing skills in specialised contexts through targeted workshops. Areas of teaching

  • 167. brochure-summer-school-2016_english-version (4%)

    23-mag-2016 15.19.57

    on developing different skills related to the ITALIAN & OPERA understanding,speaking, writing, vocabulary ... of the course aims at enhancing the speaking and writing skills in Description: specialised

  • 168. SUMMER SCHOOL 2014 ingl (4%)

    6-ott-2017 12.34.21

    ) speaking, reading, writing, and to focus on the use of the learning vocabulary and specialised ... , enhancing the speaking and films and territory and it will writing skills in specialised

  • 169. CV Alessi (4%)

    11-mar-2015 13.10.44

    Writing Proficient User C1 Listening Proficient User C1 Reading Spoken interaction ... User C2 Speaking Proficient User C2 Writing Independent User B2 Listening

  • 170. Lucia Draghia (4%)

    8-mar-2013 23.20.18

    LANGUAGE Romanian FOREIGNER LANGUAGES French; English Self evaluation Understanding Speaking Writing European level (*) Listening Reading Conversation Oral speak Writing experience French B2 B2 B2 B2 B2

  • 171. facsimile convenzione cotutela itaeng testo a fronte (4%)

    9-gen-2017 12.39.19

    dalla presente convenzione. Art. 2 ) The period for researching and writing the thesis shall ... in that language at the time the thesis itself is being defended. The Teaching Body may authorise the writing

  • 172. Human existence as fieldwork cfp (4%)

    6-ott-2017 10.58.32

    life Existence, writing, image Exotic and endotic Existence, culture, rites Subjectivity and writing Individual and culture Action and emotion Body and identity Existence, vulnerability and death

  • 173. brochure-summer-school-2016_english-version (4%)

    6-ott-2017 12.46.41

    on developing different skills related to the ITALIAN & OPERA understanding,speaking, writing, vocabulary ... of the course aims at enhancing the speaking and writing skills in Description: specialised

  • 174. Tradition, translation, and experimentation across english and non-english cultures (4%)

    23-mar-2015 10.04.39

    travel writing or in Bacon’s translations from Arabic into Italian. A special space ... British Writing: Issues and Debates 20 marzo Chiesa di Sant’Antonio Abate Steri 16:00-19:00 Spazio

  • 175. Attachment_B (4%)

    15-mag-2013 9.39.00

    language ] • Reading skills [ Indicate level: excellent, good, basic. ] • Writing skills ... competences and indicate where they were acquired. ] Artistic skills and competences Music, writing

  • 176. Voices in the Dark. Sisters and Secrets (4%)

    16-set-2014 8.21.46

    warner warner, seminari, cultura, supc Lunedì 15 settembre Marina Warner (scrittrice e docente di Letteratura Inglese, Birkbeck College, University of London) terrà il seminario inaugurale del ciclo di incontri su "Voices in the Dark. Sisters and Secrets", nell'ambito del progetto CoRi 2012 - Azione D su "Writing and Cultural Memory in Contemporary English Literature" ... - Azione D su "Writing and Cultural Memory in Contemporary English Literature"

  • 177. Determina n. 3_2020 (4%)

    10-giu-2022 11.15.06

    Genetics and chaotic system. A new approach to the writing process” - E.C. 2020; Considerato ... . A new approach to the writing process - E.C. 2019; Pubblicare la presente determina sul sito Web

  • 178. CV_Catalano (4%)

    1-feb-2022 15.37.51

    ) UNDERSTANDING SPEAKING WRITING Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production English C1 C1 B2 B2 C1 English Level 2 Certificate in ESOL International (reading, writing and listening

  • 179. CV-Mosca_2022 - Mauro Mosca Per pubblicazione (4%)

    9-apr-2022 11.18.08

    C1, Writing B2, Oral, B2), French (Reading C1, Writing C1, Oral, C1), Russian (basic knowledge

  • 180. Laboratorio Didattico-La narrazione del cibo (4%)

    21-apr-2022 14.31.53

    “Food writing” La narrazione del cibo Raccontare se stessi tramite il cibo Prof.ssa Mette Rudvin Per studenti di Scienze delle Comunicazione Culture & Arti LT e LM 5 – 24 maggio • 30 ore: 22 ore lezioni frontali + 8 ore self- study. 3 cfu • Aperto a studenti LT e LM di Scienze delle Comunicazione per C&A; inoltre, fino ad esaurimento posti (max 30), a studenti di Scienze ... «prenotazione Laboratorio Food Writing» • Il cibo è tante cose per ognuno di noi in tanti modi diversi. Prima